
Decorated navy seal accused of war crimes
Decorated navy seal accused of war crimes

The New York Times has reported that Trump was reviewing Gallagher's case for a possible pardon, along with several other U.S. President Donald Trump weighed in on the case publicly in March when he ordered Gallagher moved to less restrictive pre-trial confinement "in honor of his past service to our country." NCIS has previously issued a statement saying it used "an audit capability" in its investigation of leaks but insisted it did not involve "malware" or other technology to infect or compromise a computer system. The software ostensibly was used in an effort to pinpoint the source of confidential information leaked to the press.Navy officials have declined to comment on those allegations, and much of the court record has been sealed.

decorated navy seal accused of war crimes

His defense attorney, Timothy Parlatore, has accused Navy lawyers of conducting illegal surveillance of defense attorneys and reporters with electronic tracking software secretly embedded in emails. The Navy Times reports NCIS has seized "cell phones and electronic communications" since February in a search for evidence that Gallagher asked other SEALs to "obstruct justice or retaliate against junior sailors who ratted him out for war crimes.Gallagher has pleaded not guilty to all charges, including premeditated murder, two counts of attempted murder and obstructing justice. Gallagher is formally arraigned in San Diego. He's held at San Diego’s Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar. Gallagher pleads not guilty to multiple charges, including killing the Islamic State captive and unarmed Iraqi civilians in June and July 2017. Later, Gallagher allegedly texts, "I got this one with my knife." Prosecutors say he used it as a prop in a re-enlistment ceremony. Gallagher and other members of his platoon posed with the prisoner's body. On this day, military prosecutors say, Gallagher killed a captive teen-aged Islamic State combatant by stabbing him in the neck and chest in a Navy SEAL post near Mosul, Iraq.

decorated navy seal accused of war crimes

He served eight tours of duty and is the recipient of two Bronze Stars with valor and other awards. He served as medic and completed SEAL training in 2005.

Decorated navy seal accused of war crimes